Since 1974, the Corona-Norco Family YMCA has been providing affordable programs that promote overall well being.

No matter your age, income or faith, Corona Norco Family YMCA provides programs that nurture the potential of each member. As a non-profit community based organization, our wellness programs and charitable opportunities give members the chance to give back.


What's happening at the Y?

children in the pool smiling

Supporting Our Neighbors

City of Eastvale Partners with YMCA and JCSD for SPLASH Week Swim LessonsEASTVALE, CALIF. – The City of Eastvale is excited to announce its first-ever SPLASH Week, a water safety and swim lesson program hosted by the Corona-Norco Family YMCA at Eleanor Roosevelt High School.
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Child Development

Get high-quality Y care right at your school and keep your child active physically, intellectually and socially the whole day.

Child Development Grid

Music Lessons

We offer both group and private lessons for drums, guitar, ukulele, piano, vocals, and performance band.

Music Grid


Healthy habits are taught and fostered in all Y sports, such as confidence-building, cooperation, having fun, and staying active.

Sports Grid







The Corona-Norco Family YMCA provides free, healthy meals to children who may not have access to healthy food 12-months out of the year.

fruit & vegetables

Y Vaccine Partnership

Y-USA has partnered with both the National League of Cities and the CDC Foundation to provide training and technical assistance to local Ys. 

2 girls in masks

Diabetes Prevention

The Corona-Norco Family YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) helps adults at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

DPP Grid





Y volunteers give people of all ages the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. 

planting tree


Every year, we rely on donations to help ensure that all of the people in our community can access our services. There are lots of ways you can give, and we’re grateful for your help!

heart with hands

CPR Classes

All participants who successfully complete the written exam and skills demonstration will receive a certification for CPR/AED/FA.


Immigration and California Families

Californians may have questions about public programs, their families' mixed immigration status, or what federal immigration policies mean for their daily lives. These resources can help answer those questions.

Click to understand your rights: Know Your Rights

hands together