Annual Impact Report

YMCA Community News

First 5 Riverside County Press Release


Toyota Picture

Thank You, Larry H. Miller Toyota!


William Brixey, General Manager of Larry H. Miller Toyota in Corona, presented an $11,000 check to our YMCA Board

and staff members at a recent check presentation at their Corona dealership. We are grateful to the

Larry H. Miller Toyota Charities Board of Trustees for approving our funding request to support our

school-age swim program. The program has been very successful during its inaugural season.

What's happening at the Y?

children in the pool smiling

Supporting Our Neighbors

City of Eastvale Partners with YMCA and JCSD for SPLASH Week Swim LessonsEASTVALE, CALIF. – The City of Eastvale is excited to announce its first-ever SPLASH Week, a water safety and swim lesson program hosted by the Corona-Norco Family YMCA at Eleanor Roosevelt High School.
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